Do you feel welcome to breastfeed 'anytime, anywhere' in your community?

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

New Location

We've moved this blog! Please go here

Thursday, June 10, 2010


We were having some minor technical difficulties. We are back on track and will be continuing to post here. So please change your bookmark and check in often. We LOVE feedback, so please feel free.


Let's start the introductions:
My Name is Kaili
I have been a part of the Okanagan breastfeeding Coalition off and on now for 4 years.
I am a mother to two beautiful blonde, blue eyed boys.
I was a breastfed baby.
I am a Doula.
I have a very supportive Husband and family.
I am a Breastfeeding Counselor.
and I am a breastfeeding Mama.
For me there was no question of if I would or would not breastfeed my babies. I grew up knowing I would, being surrounded by it. I have very early memories of us sitting on our neighbours porch step, my Mom and her talking while the neighbour nursed her baby. Or remembering my brother and I chanting, "bite bite bite" to my baby sister while my Mom breastfed her. (SO mean, now that I know! OUCH!). She nursed till she was 3 years old, so she completely understood what her siblings were asking of her.

Kathie Lindstrom has memories (she's told me!) of me as a baby at La Leche League meetings. My Mom was a LLL leader and I remember many phone calls when my Mom was discussing breastfeeding over the phone to these other Mama's that needed support.

Or getting dressed in the swimming pool change room after our "homeschool group" swimming lessons. And another Mom nursing her toddler while she helped her older child get dressed. 
This was normal to me.

The reason I sit on the OBC society is to help make this normal for children in the Okanagan, the world.
Why do we have to fight so hard to make something that is normal MORE normal? It's hard for me to understand. But that is why I am here.

I took my D.O.N.A. Doula training and Breastfeeding counselor course BEFORE I even was pregnant with our first son. I love birth, babies and breastfeeding. It's just me.

Now just because this was my normal doesn't mean that breastfeeding was EASY for me and my boys. I think my second name should be Mrs. Mastitis or something like that. Even though I am plagued with mastitis more times then I care to share, I realize now the positive that came out of it. I can help other Mama's whom this is a problem. That is cool.

So not to make this too long, this is the "WELCOME" but I wanted to share some neat photos.

My Mother breastfeeding me at 6 months. Now isn't she hot? :) Hi Mom!

Me nursing our first Son, Jaia at 4 months.

And me nursing our second Son, Amish at 5 days. (Also seen in our great OBC calendar.)

Wishing you all a wonderful Thurs.!!